“My neighbors put a lot of fertilizers on their fields and yet their proteins in their wheat are so low they had to sell it for chicken feed. I use less fertilizer on every one of my fields and had high protein bringing me top dollar. The only thing I can attribute that to is Bactifeed.”
Idaho Wheat grower
“After using Bactifeed we have no standing water and during our Potato harvest we carried off less dirt and clods than in the past. We now apply Bactifeed on all of our fields prior to planting potatoes.”
Idaho Potato grower
“Before using Bactifeed my alfalfa fields had a lot of areas where nothing would grow, the soil was hard, and had poor water penetration. Now our fields have good even growth across them, we have water going in and our alfalfa tests great.”
Utah Alfalfa grower
“I used to have water standing on my field 24 hours after my pivots passed over them, after using Bactifeed the water was gone in 24 minutes.”
Colorado Alfalfa grower
“I have 2 fields side by side, irrigated at the same time through sprinkler lines. Both had hard compacted soil which required deep ripping. I applied Bactifeed on one of the fields throughout the year. When I ripped the field with Bactifeed on it there was still has moisture in it and was easy to work, the other was as hard and dry as ever.”
Arizona grower
“I started using the microbial approach right from the start. I noticed changes slowly happening the first year and by the second and third year we eliminated water run- off completely. We got the water down where it needed to be and we now run the pivots at 12%.”
Idaho Alfalfa Grower

Burley, ID
This one of 3 trial pivots treated in June 2009. This is the 130 acre Sugar Beat Pivot, we also treated a 130 acre Potato and a 130 acre Corn pivot. Each pivot received 5 gallon pails of Bactifeed. On this Sugar Beet pivot some benefits were noted early. On the 3rd Bactifeed application tank, they noticed that the water where it normally stood all year long was no longer standing...a first for this field. The areas in the foreground along with the access road to the pivot center are usually standing in water until harvest. As you can see there is no water standing. “Our potato pivot did well also. Where the water would usually pond on the potato pivot it too disappeared.
What we were very pleased with was the improvements in the tilth of the ground. By fall harvest the ground was very mellow making harvest a whole lot easier. We left the field in the field, during harvest. We cut back our dirt piles by at least 25%-30% compared to other fields left untreated that year. No big measurable increases in yields yet but water absorption and retention have been dramatically improved. We’ve also seen an improvement in storage-ability.
Taking into consideration the cool wet spring we had this year (2010) our corn field did very well too, compared to other fields in the area. We realize that Soil Building takes time and the benefits do accumulate from one growing season to the next. We’re looking forward to what the Bactifeed will bring next year.”

Improving 3 Pivots ... at the Wellhead.
Idaho farmer improving upon perfection. 3 x 130 acre pivots treated with two tanks and one 90 gph injection pump. Each black tank has a float valve with the water supply staying active thru the whole application process.
“I first used Bactifeed on my cool season grass under pivot irrigation. This was 2010 and it was going to be my last summer for the grass because of compaction and water intake issues. After the second application, my crop scout asked me what I was doing to the grass because he was able to probe a full 3 ft of soil moisture. Previously, 1 ft was considered good after an irrigation pass. Now, 5 crop years later, I am still producing hay and grazing my cattle on the same grass stand without any compaction or water intake issues.
Based upon the success I had with the grass, I have been using Bactifeed for 3 yrs on all my irrigated corn and wheat. It has changed my operation because I can intensely graze irrigated wheat, and then no-till corn into it with NO water intake issue.
The increased crop production and pounds of beef taken off my farm have increased my profitability.”
Paul B. - Kansas
“We first tested Bactifeed on some of our irrigated soybean fields. I was very pleased with the performance of the plants. Also, my crop agronomist noticed that the soybeans grown on the treated areas had a better moisture profile using the same amount of water, and the soil was more mellow.
Because of the increased yield of my soybeans and the improved soil conditions that we got from the test, I am now using Bactifeed on all of our soybean fields, and we’re also using it on my irrigated alfalfa. Next season I plan to expand my use to irrigated corn and silage as well.”
Stan B. - Kansas
“I planted alfalfa on 15 May of this year on a pivot and used a double rate of Bactifeed on every watering.
Here in Roswell, our average Alfalfa production is 6 tons per acre on 6 cuts. In 90 days I cut the brand new hay twice, making 2.8 tons per acre with three cuts left on the schedule.
We don’t expect much from first year hay because it struggles so much, but getting it in the ground usually means the second year will be productive, and we typically plant in the fall for that reason.
Making 2.8 tons of alfalfa in 90 days, from seed to bale, is a first in my 30 years of farming.”
Cody B. - New Mexico
“To make this as short as possible let me tell you the results of the first year. My alfalfa production increased by 10%. The crop looked and was healthier. Lastly and getting more important each year, it seems, I used a lot less water. How can that be you ask? Bactifeed helped break down the surface tension of the soil allowing water, fertilizer, etc. to soak deeply into the root zone quickly, hence less water is needed.”
D.R.M. - Oregon

"I cut my fertilizer by 25%. I had absolutely no yield drag, in fact plants were very healthy, with a great stand, were extremely tall, and had large heads on the Sunflowers. There was also a 90% large seed count in the Sunflower field using Bactifeed. I am also using Bactifeed on my beans, corn, alfalfa and pastures, having great success and also reducing my fertilizer by 25%.
Jim A. - Bayard, Nebraska
" I increased my yield and reduced my fertilizer. I also had better water penetration in my soil after using Bactifeed." Bruce W. - Salmon, Idaho
"In our field, Bactifeed really increased our yields. We got more tons, with better quality hay. The hay was taller and healthier. In our garden the peas were blooming two weeks earlier, the raspberries were bigger and taster. Bactifeed does not make cents, it makes dollars. Thanks Pure Biological."
The Tyler Family - Leadore, Idaho
“We made 6 tons more on our corn that we grow at the dairy from the manure water. We have never made so much corn from manure water, and the feed values were as good as our clean water corn. I believe we can elevate both production and quality and we will be applying Bactifeed on all of our corn next year.”
Terry B. - Arizona
“Corn is not routinely grown near us in Yuma, Arizona, in spite of the state’s largest feed cattle facility being located here. This is largely due to the fact that the depleted soils around Yuma cannot sustain corn production to the break even point. The average yield for corn silage on farms around here is 23 tons/acre, and the break even point with Bactifeed is 28 tons to the acre. In cooperation with the feed yard, we decided to give corn another try, hoping that the boost from Bactifeed would propel the production beyond the break even point.
We were planting in some very depleted soils, and for one test plot we were not able to use compost to help build the soil profile. Even the field where we didn’t use compost yielded 34.5 tons to the acre, 23% greater than the BEP, resulting in a positive return of nearly $300 / acre. On ground where we were allowed to use compost, we came in at 44.5 tons to the acre. We are still waiting on a couple hundred acres to be adjusted for the moisture weight, but at present, it conservatively looks like 36 tons / acre. We harvested very healthy corn and the RFV (Relative Feed Values) reflect that.
The feed yard has already decided to significantly expand production of locally grown corn by doubling the acreage of corn production for next year, and we will be using Bactifeed on all of it.”
R.C.G. - Yuma, Arizona
“I was encouraged by the results that Bactifeed showed on my ranch. The water penetration was improved through the biological interaction with the soil and showed improvements in production.
Another visible result was the faster recovery of the plants in the field before the water had even been around the pivot.
The average down time between cuttings is 8-9 days and before the water would make the first revolution around the pivot, the alflalfa was showing green leaves and growing vigorously without the aid of water. Previously the fields would not show such growth until the second time the pivot came around. In some instances, we saw greener hay and tonnage increases. We feel it is quite obvious that each pivot reacted to the Bactifeed in different but positive ways.
We saw improvement in leaf color to a darker green with Bactifeed and some of our customers saw tremendous improvement in quantity as well as quality.”
Kenny C. - Oregon
"Before the 2017 growing season, I had never heard of Bactifeed and it was referred to us by a fellow grower that said it worked wonders in his garden. So, we gave Bactifeed a try, making the product usable was easy just sprinkle into the water, aerate, and wait a few days. Right off the bat, you could tell a difference. To start off, the soil was tilled in June. By the end of the growing season in October, and after many feedings, water days, rain and people walking through the garden, the dirt was still amazingly soft to where you could dig it up with your bare hands.
The soil also held nutrients and water amazingly after that. Didn't need to feed for a while because the leaves were still a healthy beautiful green, with no deficiencies whatsoever. Most likely the soil will hold the nutrients over the winter. Hopefully, having to use fewer nutrients the next season. The way it helped the soil hold water was also incredible.
During the 100+ degree heat waves I only had to water once a week and even then it still had moist spots. This product made a huge impact on plant growth from last year to this year, even the grass seemed to grow a lot faster. So, I fully recommend Bactifeed as an extreme boost to your soil and still be organic. Using this product could essentially save a ton of water and feeding usage for businesses limited to water and nutrients." "10/10 highly recommend"
Cameron... Oregon Medical Marijuana Grower